LinkedIn Membership
LinkedIn Service
LinkedIn Membership

Boost your company's visibility on LinkedIn

Do your experts lack the time to be active on LinkedIn ?

We take care of all their needs to help your company to thrive !

Expand your brand awareness

Gain visibility on social networks

Control what is said about your company

Attract and retain talent

Promote and incentivize your experts to help them build their online reputation.

Position your company as an employer of choice within your industry.

Bolster sales

Use social selling to generate new leads

Encourage dialogue between your experts and your customers

Our role will be to help you set up an employee ambassador program within your company. We will help you select the members of your ambassador cohort (business development manager, human resources manager, member of management and expert) and set the desired objectives.

Each ambassador will receive personalized support and will participate in monthly team training to encourage the sharing of best practices.

We offer two membership options, depending on the degree of involvement sought by the ambassador:





Full package

Monthly coaching

Monthly dashboard (KPI)

Creation of two publications

Addition of 100 targeted contacts

Phone support




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